Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quit making asses of yourselves before you get in any deeper

Nancy Sewell (Nancy Sewell's VILE spew and MORE of Nancy Sewell's VILE spew) Teresa Kao (Kaine Horman Reality Show and MORE of Teresa Kao's BULLSHIT NONSENSE) its PAST time to stop victimizing Kyron and his family. 

No one has made any claims about Kyron's parents being angels but they DO NOT have ANYTHING to do with their son's disappearance. 

Are you implying that since they arent lily white angels that they DESERVE this? 

Are you implying that since his parents arent lily white angels that KYRON DESERVED THIS?

 I dont know of ANY adults who are lily white angels but MOST of them wouldnt take that as a license to commit MURDER especially of a INNOCENT CHILD

Teresa you have even implied that Kyron isnt a real child just an illusion used to help gain Kaine an edge in his divorce- do you seriously THINK before you type?

click on pictures to enlarge

and Nancy you have even compared Kyron's disappearance to the "Balloon boy Hoax" and compared his MURDER to a "reality show" in your vile blog 
(among other disgusting insinuations)

Nancy Sewell and Teresa Kao your behavior and insinuations are disgusting. Kyron was only 7 years old. Kyron was an INNOCENT CHILD

Calling search efforts "diving for dollars" is lower than low- no wonder your fake Facebook moniker is a lizard- a snake would be more fitting.

Teresa do you bother to think before you post?

or did you "conveniently forget" this HUGE TRUTH out of TERRI's OWN CAMP

 since to acknowledge it would take away your self justification to trash on Kaine and Desiree?

APPARENTLY it doesnt even matter to you people INCLUDING BLINK ON CRIME that EVEN TERRI and HOUZE CONCEDED that it was TERRI sexting Michael Cook

You continue to play your games and post your VILE spew against Kyron's parents who are TRULY SUFFERING for your OWN ENTERTAINMENT- you have NO shame.

Emily Rose IS Teresa Kao- she will freely admit it.

(they deleted Stacey Morris' comments since they dont like being called out- 3 days later they stole a picture of her daughter and innocent 6 year old grandchild off of her profile as referenced in Teresa Kao GET A LIFE) and Teresa Kao used it as her OWN profile picture in order to taunt and harass Stacey Morris for DARING to speak out against their BULLSHIT

Its ALL fun and games to you people- but to MOST others its ANYTHING BUT

Do you see ANYTHING amusing about this?

both of the above screen shots are from this article:

so far I find NOTHING amusing or worthy of ridicule, Nancy, did you watch the video above? 

Watch the one where LE makes their statement- it was already available for you to ignore BEFORE you made an ass out of yourself, AGAIN, to trash Desiree

to further your OWN AGENDA and those of TERRI HORMAN AND DEDE SPICHER

so far I find NOTHING amusing or worthy of ridicule, Teresa

 Does this REALLY NOT MAKE SENSE to you people?

Try this one one for size


Mary Covington, you need to knock your shit off too, I have plenty I can post about your self insertion to this case and the dangerous games you've played too- stop using Kyron for your own entertainment- and I wont be forced to post about what you have done AGAINST KYRON in the name of HELPING TERRI. You want your name left out of everything that has happened- you dont want your actions spotlighted- 

I have news for you: what happened to Kyron is real life and its REAL PAIN and REAL GRIEF - dont contribute unnecessarily to other people's agony- its not Christian (which you proclaim to be- just like Nancy Sewell) and it WILL get you called out

I shall state the obvious.. you are a HYPOCRITE- you want everybody to judge Terri on the APPEARANCE of being a loving and fun mother- but you want everybody to ignore the TRUTH about her involvement in Kyron's MURDER

Is your memory that short that you cant remember what you post? Or are you the same as the rest of the Terri Horman DeDe Spicher supporters and you 


Yep. That is what you do- INTENTIONALLY I can PROVE IT- I can ALSO PROVE that you LIE to do the same.

I agree with Tracey- you did NOT know Terri BEFORE Kyron was MURDERED, Mary- remember what happened this past summer? I do 

Teresa Kao you have already written one book off of Kyron's back- when will the next one be coming out?

Nancy Sewell how is all that blog fundraising and money making off of Kyron's back coming?

one last thing Teresa Kao

I will answer your questions in order so you can follow:

1. Regarding Truthteller- name ONE thing I have posted on this blog that isnt the TRUTH- provide PROOF- there isnt any.

2. I NEVER claimed to be "outing admins from THSP" show me PROOF of where I have EVER said that- there isnt any.

3. Its ALL for Kyron- how does exposing the TRUTH about whats going on behind the scenes to help TERRI HORMAN AND DEDE SPICHER NOT help Kyron? It DOES help him- Kyron NEEDS the TRUTH exposed ALL of it.

4. I am NOT affiliated with ANYONE but ME. I am NOT linked to the Anti page.

5. NO ONE hurts Terri- Terri hurts others and uses people to continue spreading the bullshit that you all spew to help divert attention off of herself and her involvement in Kyron's MURDER.

6. I care and so do MANY others that Cindy continues playing games off of Kyron's back for her OWN PLEASURE and ENTERTAINMENT- while continuing to further 


(did you know that she has taken her computer in to have the hard drives "wiped" to avoid LE? Its ok LE knows too- she ALSO has NOT gotten away with ANYTHING.) IF she would have gone to LE on her OWN IN THE BEGINNING and told the WHOLE TRUTH FOR KYRON NO ONE would care what she said to whom.

7. There is actual evidence against Terri Horman and DeDe Spicher- its NOT what you want so you conveniently ignore it so that you can keep spreading your vile bullshit thats so entertaining to you people.

8. My name IS Chana- I have a good reason not to use my true last name with all you whackjobs on the loose- ask Terri what my last name is if you want to know it (hence Mc AskTerri)

9. I have access to information about MANY people- you would be surprised at how long I have been keeping track and collecting- I can provide PROOF- I already have provided some if you still have doubts let me know I can always post more.

10. I am still only me, Chana, no one else.

11. I believe in telling the TRUTH, Teresa, pay attention- it turns out that not many people actually knew Terri at all no matter what they thought- I am hardly alone in that.

12. refer to this blog Clearing up some rumors- I keep answering that question for you over and over- try to let it soak in this time the only difference between now and that blog is that SoCal's board moved 

13. Name ONE of my "accusations" as you call them that isnt   the TRUTH- provide PROOF

edited to add this screen shot- 

you ADMIT that you KNOW that there is NO CREDIBLE evidence against Kaine while PRETENDING that you DONT KNOW that there IS CREDIBLE EVIDENCE against Terri- QUIT PLAYING GAMES AND START SUPPORTING KYRON he was ONLY 7 years old


  1. Your voice of reason is appreciated in the midst of this tragedy. Believe me, those who are vilifying Kyron's parents and disrepecting Kyron's life are causing much public outrage against themselves. They truly prove the wise saying, "you cannot reason with the unreasonable".

  2. Oh, my. Where do I start with my update? Well, I got threatened my Terri's fan club with posting alleged screen shots of me posting insensitive comments about Kyron. This happened after I called Teresa and company out on things like the "Kyron Horman Reality Show, etc." So, I naturally posted on the page to demand that they post these screen shots. That got deleted, as expected. So did the link to the article about the horrendous suffering of Desiree Young. Yes, I did make insensitive and blunt comments. About Terri. As for Kyron being a hologram, I think some people have been watching way too much Star Trek. He was a very real, and very loved, little boy. The person who posted that he agreed with my complaint about the "diving for dollars" blog link, was banned for agreeing with me. The two of us want to make t-shirts that say,"CAN WE NAME TERRI AS A SUSPECT, YET?" None of us look at Kaine and Desiree as perfect. As a matter of fact, Desiree has recently begun giving interviews on her own. They complain about Kaine's motives for going to Kyron's school to assure the other students that they are safe. Sally and Teresa are whispering,"He must be in on it." Nothing of the sort. He was going by Terri's statements, even when they conflicted. And, I don't blame him for booting Terri to the curb, on the twenty-sixth of June. Her every word and movement screams guilt. I think that Cindy and Nancy are related to Terri. Why else are they so determined to clear her? Like I have said, Kaine is far from being a saint. But, he is taking steps to protect Kiara from her mother. Some say too little, too late. But at the very least, he is trying. So, he gets points from me for that. Updates to follow.

  3. I got banned from the page because I REFUSE to lie and kiss Terri's ass. The sad thing is that I agree with you. Kyron was murdered. Terri didn't get away with killing Kaine; but she one-upped him. She broke his heart by killing his pride and joy; Kyron. My heart also breaks for Desiree Young. What in the world did she do to piss off Terri? Nothing. Now, she has no son. My hope is that Terri, DeDe, Nancy, Cindy, and assorted crew pay for their outright cruelty to Kaine and Desiree. And most importantly of all, I want Terri and DeDe to answer for Kyron's murder. That poor, sweet, young boy only wanted to be loved. Instead, he was slaughtered.
