Friday, January 7, 2011

Exposing VILE spew- Part 2 The TRUTH ABOUT the Kaine's Lies blog

Kaine's Lies blog by Nancy Sewell AKA 42nd State AKA Sally Salamander is a complete fake and hoax specifically designed by Nancy to trash Kaine by innuendo and gain financial support for her original vile blog  (originally discussed here: Exposing VILE spew)- its only available to financial contributors to her original vile blog. Dont be tempted to sign up to see it. There's nothing there and once you sign up not only have you given her money for the invitation- to see nothing you cant see in culinary or pet supply catalogues- she has your personal information- from your payment information which includes your real name and credit card billing information (real address)- which is available to all merchants where you use your credit card for purchases- and once you sign in she has the email address you used to sign into her Kaine's Lie blog and your IP information.
click on pictures to enlarge

this is her game- Nancy and Cindy were having a grand old time at Kyron's expense:

 the TRUTH about the pictures at the site "for paying supporters of the AT blog only:"

Here are some examples of Nancy's money making schemes notice the theme of mocking Kyron and his  family

she had the NERVE and AUDACITY to post this AFTER she MUTILATED Kyron's WHO DOES THAT?

Then FURTHER compounds it with this:

AND if THAT isnt bad enough she has to take ANOTHER SWIPE at KYRON

Besides being UTTERLY VILE and DISGUSTING, NANCY, NO ONE is going to pay you $350,000.00 for exclusive rights to MOCK KYRON AND HIS FAMILY using content you dont own the rights to and using false endorsements (wonder what kind of charges THAT brings?)- GROW A CONSCIENCE ALREADY- and even if you DONT- no worries there are consequences for your actions anyway :) 

some more examples of the libel you commit against Kyron and his family- then proudly spread everywhere while BRAGGING about how it benefits YOU:

Besides all of your unwarranted attacks on Kyron and his family and anyone who supports them
 you CONSTANTLY BULLY EVERYONE then cry that YOU are being bullied if someone merely disagrees with you and your tactics- its laughably ridiculous and you are the ONLY one who doesnt see it- btw thanks for throwing in the bit about hackers- very informative.

and Teresa Kao AKA Emily Rose- I TOTALLY AGREE with Kelly 

Your BS hasnt gone unnoticed, Nancy, have you seen this? I hope to see you pay for your BS legally some day- you have EARNED the PRIVILEGE and the RIGHT to do so! 

*special thanks to Mona D-P for finding this and sharing

YOUR BEHAVIOR IS SO BAD that the worse bullies I've come across on the net dont want to associate with you anymore- NOW THATS IMPRESSIVE

Kyron Horman is an INNOCENT MISSING CHILD- the adults who minimize him and his family are REPUGNANT at best.

JUSTICE is coming for you, Kyron!!!


  1. For the INTJ Messianic Christian:
    Sally, did you miss this part in your studies?
    PROVERBS 21:6
    The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death

  2. Nurse Ratchett-Truer words were never written. We need to send this one to Terri and DeDe, too.
