Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cindy BS STILL AGAINST KYRON (and his supporters)

You guessed wrong Cindy- these are volunteers and supporters of Kyron
what was your purpose for holding this vigil again?

Why are you STILL more worried about Terri?

another picture of Cindy basking in her new "fame"

Cindy and "Michelle Sigona~CNN/FOX Crime Reporter"

thank you for inviting me to blog with you...I hope you feel better soon SD


  1. Why would she call people who came to her vigil anti TH group? Because they were wearing Kyron shirts? I viewed all 52 pictures she didn't call any of the other families names or say they were "anti" anyone. It proves she doesn't think Kyron deserves support why didnt she say "Kyron supporters" or "Kyron's group" instead of making it about Terri? I thought this was a vigil for the missing children??? Her bias is at the forefront~ cant miss it.

    She only labeled 6 pictures 2 for Lindsey's group "Melissa Baum...Lindsey's Mother" "Melissa Baum and Lindsey's Group"
    1 for Rodney Stern "Rodney Sterns~'Text No More'"
    1 for the crime writer she took her picture with "Michelle Sigona~CNN/FOX Crime Reporter"
    2 for Kyron's group "Admin. of Mising Kyron Horman FB Page" "Anti TH Group"

    She screams her own bias GMAFB

    keep up the good work exposing these people the world needs to know their ugly deeds so they can avoid them ~like the plague~

  2. Cindy has never done ANYTHING for Kyron. She is in this 100% for the notoriety that comes along with being an "insider" I can tell you first hand that she LOVES the negative attention that comes along with cases like this. She loves when people whisper at the grocery store and at school, loves it when people stop in front of her house or when her phone line crackles because the FBI are listening (not because she lives in an old house or anything)
    She is a case whore and a disgrace to missing children everywhere.
    Wasn't she trying to pass herself off as an "anti" just a month ago?
