Friday, January 7, 2011

oh noes! the arrest is taking too long!

click on pictures to enlarge

It was ME who outed you to MCSO- and you are SO welcome!

 If you hadnt spread lies you wouldnt have been called to the carpet to answer for them!

Since you didnt "out" Terri on "anything-" seeking legal advice is a very wise decision!

This is PERSONAL to me- I take it VERY personally when adults are enabled and protected at the expense of INNOCENT MISSING KYRON HORMAN

This is ALL about Kyron

You arent being majorly f@cked over- KYRON WAS MAJORLY F@CKED OVER!

If you wouldnt have engaged in nefarious activities AGAINST Kyron there wouldnt be a reason to post-or anything to post

This is ALL about Kyron

I agree- you are definitely a wreck- I call it a train wreck

You have to "pretend" you havent been protecting and enabling Terri Horman and DeDe Spicher 

"simply to save" your "own @ss

"Hope you understand." translates to "I hope you forgive me so we can still be friends"

"Is there any way you can let THEM know this?" translates to 
"I wont 'out' them-about anything"


This is ALL about Kyron

You can re-read the messages previously posted on this blog between us- nevermind too late- it went on for DAYS- me asking you to tell the TRUTH time after time

You chose to TURN YOUR BACK ON KYRON AGAIN- to "save" your "own @ss"

No worries- I already put an end to it- hows that "piece" of mind? (LMAO at the appropriateness of "piece-" its not possible to have "peace" of mind when you continue to victimize an INNOCENT CHILD and his FAMILY in order to protect and enable ADULTS)

Terri DID kick you to the curb. I find that ironic- if only she'd known! You've spent every moment since scheming  to get back in with her.

Definition of scheming 
: given to forming schemes; especially : devious

I think its WONDERFUL that MCSO will be visiting with you!!!

This is ALL about Kyron

You KNEW I had them- you admit you had no doubt- but you had to "protect" you "own @ss-" how did that work out for you? I'm sure it will be awhile before you know- let me know once you do.

 This is ALL about Kyron

This is NOT about YOU- YOU are NOT the victim- YOU are an adult- YOU made the CHOICE to PROTECT and ENABLE ADULTS which meant you had to TURN YOUR BACK ON A 7 year old INNOCENT CHILD to do so.

I HOPE you learned THIS time- but I DOUBT it- you're still WHINING and PRETENDING that YOU are a VICTIM. You are NOT a victim Kyron and his FAMILY are the ONLY victims- when this started out they werent victims of YOU- you changed that on your OWN!!! OWN YOUR OWN ACTIONS AND INACTIONS!!! Take RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR OWN ACTIONS AND INACTIONS- time to grow up and face reality in the grown up world!

SPARE US THE WHINING- WE dont care- you went against Kyron- you made your bed

This is ALL about Kyron

So, you feel good when you sneak around and betray the "friends" you sought out to make for your own entertainment- by convincing them that you were there to "help" them? Okay we get it now- Cindy is out for Cindy- no one else matters. Thanks for clearing that up- there is NO ONE you wont betray for your own personal gain!

This is ALL about Kyron

What happened you get nervous you were found out? 

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!"

Sir Walter ScottMarmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17.

Scottish author & novelist (1771 - 1832)

 This is ALL about Kyron

Pick me! Pick me! Ask her "WHERE IS KYRON, TERRI?"

Not "soft" enough for you? Too DAMNED bad- KYRON NEEDS THE HARD QUESTIONS ANSWERED!!!

We dont want to hear about how "Terri laughs and says she always pictures him in front of a TV eating chicken nuggets" 

This is ALL about Kyron

For those of you who dont know the "inside code" words: "cousin" refers to Terri Horman

her "illness" refers to the ongoing criminal investigations 

How come we can only as 'soft' questions? 

She's an adult she can handle the HARD QUESTIONS THAT KYRON NEEDS ANSWERED! 

Why did you choose to protect and enable the ADULTS, Cindy?

This is ALL about Kyron

So that we have this straight- Terri had no idea who Eric was because she hadnt seen Windy since high school- but she remembers Windy and she is "soooooo grateful for the support." 

That leaves more questions then it answers but thanks.

soooooo glad to hear she smiled soooooo big!

soooooo glad to hear that she "managed" to laugh "several times!" AT LEAST ONE of those times she "managed" to laugh was when she said that she "pictures Kyron in front of a TV eating chicken nuggets."

For those of you who dont know the "inside code" words: 

"cousin" refers to Terri Horman

My "Uncle" refers to Terri Horman's father

"Auntie" refers to Terri Horman's mother

"road blocks ahead" translation:  Terri predicts being arrested soon

"move into much smaller living quarters" refers to jail 

"doctor" refers to her attorney, Stephen Houze

"fully diagnose the situation" refers to receiving discovery so that he can start working on her defense

"ex husband" refers to Kaine Horman

Let me just say this for the record- I agree chins are gonna drop- but Kaine's wont be one of them.

This is ALL about Kyron

For those of you who dont know the "inside code" words: 

"cousin" refers to Terri Horman

"doctor" refers to Terri Horman's attorney, Stephen Houze

"more information" refers to discovery

"treat her condition" refers to start working on her defense

"committed" refers to being arrested

"smaller living quarters" refers to jail

"proper diagnosis" refers to having the discovery so that he can see what they have to work with for her defense

"appropriate treatment plans" refers to planning her defense

Hey Cindy et al- I DO keep BELIEVING- IN JUSTICE FOR KYRON- it WILL happen!!!

 This is ALL about Kyron

Per request we will make SURE to pay attention to what Eric (EL) says

Eric (EL) Captain Obvious- LMAO 

YES, that is what he needs to give a "proper diagnosis"

This is ALL about Kyron

Translation of Eric's post first:

"doctor" refers to Terri's attorney Stephen Houze

"discover" refers to discovery- (seeing what LE has on Terri)

"true nature of her illness" refers again to reviewing the discovery to work on possible defense tactics

"move to the smaller quarters" means get arrested and charged- then she'll be in jail 

bottom line: he cant start working on her defense until she is arrested and he sees the evidence so that he can advise her.

Translation of Cindy's post:

"he doesnt want to admit her" translates to he doesnt "want" her arrested but thats what needs to happen so that he can move forward on preparing for her defense.

"her other medical team" refers to LE and DA

"crazy ex's doc's" refers to LE and DA

"their medical manuals" refers to the evidence LE and DA has against her

"proper treatment" refers to how they move forward on their defense

"correct diagnosis" refers to seeing exactly what they're up against evidence wise

Nice to know that Terri KNOWS that they have "TONSof evidence against her

 This is ALL about Kyron

Nice to KNOW  Terri  EXPECTS to be arrested and charged- blows your arguments of innocence out of the water, though.

Nice to KNOW Terri KNOWS that they have "TONS" of evidence against her.

I hope the "proper treatment" means she's just going to plea bargain and save the family some pain- they've had ENOUGH

 This is ALL about Kyron

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