Saturday, January 8, 2011


Impersonating law enforcement IS a CRIME

click on picture to enlarge


  1. My goodness could these people be any dumber? Watching these Terribots make fools of themselves would be funny if it wasn't so tragic. Keep up the good fight, Chana!

  2. Dumber? No.. lol
    What "detective" or officer of the law uses a gmail account to reprimand or threaten with the name "baby girl"??
    Furthermore, defamation and whatnot are a civil matter, not a criminal matter, so a KH detective from the tipline wouldn't be getting involved.


  3. The truth always comes out. And you are on the side of truth. Never forget that.

  4. also... defimation is NOT a word! i'm pretty sure the word you're looking for is defamation

    for the love of GOD people, almost every web browser has spell check! when you type in a word and it underlines in red, that means it's spelled incorrectly... all ya gotta do is CLICK it and it will offer correct spelling suggestions! gahhhhhhh

  5. Impersonating a Police Officer consists of:

    (1) Without due authority exercising or attempting to exercise the functions of a police officer.

    (2) Pretending to be a police officer with the intent to decieve another person.

    If that applies, then (1) is a misdemeanor, (2) is a felony.


    Impersonating a police officer (including a special constable);

    It is a crime to falsely impersonate a police officer, a federal officer or employee, or any other public official. Although the laws vary from state to states, many states also consider it a crime to use equipment used by law enforcement officers, such as red and blue flashing lights. It also may be a crime to flash a fake police badge. Possession of a firearm also can enhance the penalty for false impersonation of a police officer.

    What are the Penalties for Impersonating a Police Officer?
    Depending on state law, impersonating a police officer may be considered either a felony or a misdemeanor. Punishments for impersonating a police officer include:

    Imprisonment up to five years (sometimes more)
    Fines (usually $1000 or more)
    Permanent criminal record
