Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The truth about being "accused of spreading lies-" it happens when you spread lies

You know what lies you've spread and about whom. There's no one in your path you havent played games with and lied to or about. Seeking legal advice is good advice. 

btw it was ME who outed you to LE
Tell ALL you know FOR KYRON.

Ya wonder if  LE (and Terri)- will be wanting to SEE THIS?

"if Terri really believes I've outed her on anything, fuck her too!" 

If you havent seen enough yet- stick around I have ALOT more to share and say. 

KYRON is the VICTIM here not YOU, Cindy BSer, and DEFINITELY NOT "poor misunderstood" Terri Horman or DeDe Spicher. 

What about J? You think he isnt suffering to know his mom made him move back to her JUST to keep child support dollars rolling in? FOR HER- NOT HIM- she could care LESS about the FACT he was HAPPY- that he was STABLE- that he was AWAY from the DAILY STRESS AND DRAMA of his MOTHER's world- the world SHE CREATED FOR HERSELF!!!

You think he isnt suffering to know his mom hurt his brother? HE LOVES his brother and sister. STAY THE F@CK AWAY FROM HIM YOU SICK TWISTED LYING BITCH!!! 

Time to do the right thing by Kyron, Cindy. Tell ALL you know to LE- EVERYTHING ALL OF IT. This is the 2nd time (the first time was here There is a REASON that honesty is ALWAYS the best Policy) I've posted a reference from you reinforcing to Terri and the rest of her enablers that you have NOT told ALL you KNOW FOR KYRON- IN YOUR OWN F@CKING WORDS- I HOPE that KYRON's TRUE FAMILY SUES YOU CIVILLY AFTER LE finishes with you- OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE AND INTERFERING WITH AN INVESTIGATION ARE CRIMINAL OFFENSES- 

do I have your attention yet?

Re: "I am soooo FUCKED!!!!" 
glad its finally sinking in- about DAMNED TIME

Maybe you can share this with your daughter and former friends instead of the BS you're trying to sell them now? How bad did it hurt you to tell the TRUTH? I TOLD you what I wanted- let me say it AGAIN

now that I have your attention:

Cindy, TELL THE TRUTH STOP LYING STOP PLAYING GAMES- its PAST time for Kyron to come home- DO THE RIGHT THING STOP VICTIMIZING THE VICTIMS- FOR THE RECORD (AGAIN) the ACTUAL VICTIMS are: Kyron and his family (including his 3 siblings)

  please note who is NOT included in this list STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM- that goes for the rest of your so called "friends"

Glad to hear MCSO called YOU that clears THAT up- I TOLD you I KNEW you did NOT call THEM

What was that you said again about everything you've ever done you've done for Kyron? 

one last note from me:
thanks for pissing off your friends- glad to know that you DID understand that I am doing what I said I would if you didnt do right by Kyron and good to know that you made an informed decision to KEEP RIGHT ON LYING AND PLAYING GAMES. You even went so far as to seek out TJ to try to play him too. AFTER you had been talking to me. Thanks for that. I'd never talked to him until AFTER you did that- it helped me see how vested you were in your own nonsense. I think people discount TJ because he gets so animated about some things- you underestimated HIS COMMITMENT TO KYRON- by trying to convince him how wrong he is about DeDe Spicher-AFTER he WITNESSED her LYING to HIM-while you were spinning your "I'm deep under cover for LE and cant have my cover blown" fairy tale.WHICH by the way is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you told ME about DeDe's conversations and reactions about Kyron with YOU (for now refer to the chats I've already posted- dont worry I'll post the rest at some point. ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE): 

a recap to refresh your memory of the people YOU sought out for your GAMES and LIES-NO ONE sought YOU out (except LE-and you wonder why-LMAO):

Terri Horman 
DeDe Spicher 

AR (J's stepmother)
JM (INNOCENT CHILD- VICTIM of his mother AND you)
RT (J's biological father)
RE (Terri's 2nd husband)

Nancy Sewell (victimizer of  TRUE victims- out to make a buck off the back of an INNOCENT MISSING CHILD)

Tom Jones (Cousin of DeDe Spicher- seeker of truth for Kyron- when that didnt work you went into your deep undercover "hero for Kyron" spin)

but THIS ONE, THIS ONE is the BEST OF THEM ALL even though it was a 


Desiree Young (You had HOPED to gain her trust and friendship to gather dirt on Kaine Horman for Nancy's blog (which I addressed here: Exposing VILE spew) and the Terri Horman Support Page "to help Terri-" wonder HOW you thought you were going to pull that off? wonder WHY you would even imagine trying to do it- I mean SERIOUSLY??? the woman and her husband and her remaining child are SUFFERING UNIMAGINABLE PAIN- we wont even DISCUSS the FACT that Kaine and his remaining child are SUFFERING THE SAME UNIMAGINABLE PAIN-as are BOTH of Terri's children) 

If I remember more I will update the list this is good enough for now.

I've BARELY started, Cindy. I'm sure Terri and DeDe are onto you now- I hope someone WHO KNOWS AR RT and RE lets them in on your schemes- so that they can protect themselves from you and take action with the proper authorities against you for your transgressions against them. 

Someone needs to put a STOP to YOUR NONSENSE.

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