Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Word From MB

You know.. the thing that made me open up about this whole mess was the fact that I was getting pretty sick of logging into my Facebook every day to messages from people who I've asked since October to leave me out of the TH drama.. I'm over it... I'm done.. leave me alone! I've been accused of being Chana more times that I care to count.. I don't know why it bothered me so bad.. I seriously didn't care who had what to say about me. Seriously.. any one of you could go and make a blog about me and I wouldn't even blink. I just seriously don't care anymore.
So, I wrote Chana a message to "gently remind" everyone that if I REALLY wanted to out people, I could've done a better job (no offense Chana haha) simply because I have a wealth of "dirt" sitting in my inbox that anyone's welcome to log in to my account to view themselves. None of these screenshots were altered in any way. Also, some of you may disagree with me, but another part of my reason was because I was furious that Cindy put a knife in all our our backs, including Dede. I know a lot of you have Dede on your radar, I would bet my life that she had absolutely nothing to do with this.. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and with the wrong person.... thinking she was being a good friend and doing what was "right" by her friend ... and made the mistake of trusting Cindy. But I'm not here to try to convince you of anything... you're all entitled to your own opinions and this is just my opinion. My opinions are subject to change.

Why did I leave THSP and not want to be involved? That's an easy one! Besides the fact that this turned into a game of "mine if bigger than yours" a long time ago.. and had nothing to do with finding Kyron or constitutional rights...
Around the time that Cindy took it upon herself to start visiting Terri, I was feeling a little uncomfortable. Cindy often mentioned how she felt uncomfortable or "had chills" after something Terri had mentioned. Of course all she could share was Kaine bashing.. She thought her phone was tapped so she couldn't speak of anything other than the anti Kaine propaganda.

The JJ story is odd... One day another former admin got a FB message from Jennifer Jameson... who introduced herself as a member of Terri's legal team with Houze. Cindy and myself were somehow brought into the conversation and she was hell bent on meeting the 3 of us until she found out I was on the other side of the country.. then I was left out of the convos. Cindy was to meet her and to receive packages from her a number of times. These packages were supposed to contain pictures, legal documents, and other stuff that she wanted us to see. NOT stuff she wanted us to take to Terri.. (thought I'd clear that up) I have no idea what was in these packages... all I know it was something she wanted us to see. She claims she never went or received anything. JJ also wanted me to get a package that she was sending to a public place... She messaged me an address in Philadelphia PA and I thought to myself.. "you're out of your mind, lady" Philly is on the other side of the state and I wasn't about to make the couple hour drive every day to pick up whatever she was sending. I never did hear back from her but Cindy did. They were looking in California for some supposed ex lover of Kaine's... More anti Kaine propaganda.
As for the gifts I sent to Terri, I sent 3 thru US mail and 1 or 2 with Cindy. I never asked Cindy to deliver anything.. SHE wanted me to send them to her so she'd have an excuse to pop in at Terri's house.. At the time she was grabbing old candles and whatnot from her shelves and dusting them off and wrapping them as gifts. According to Cindy, nobody was supposed to know she was visiting.. not even me. So I asked her the one day, after she told me not to send anything thru the mail and send it to her to take over... "If I'm not supposed to know you're going there, why is she asking you to have me send everything to you to take over" She had no answer for that.. I knew she was full of it and needed an excuse to show up. That's besides the point.. At the time I was trying to send comfort (btw... lavender and buttermilk vanilla body wash should be allowed to be marketed as a sedative) to someone who at that time, I felt was totally being hosed and unfairly treated. If it were any of you, I would've done that same. After more visits and more "nervous energy" from Cindy, little bits of info about Houze wanting her in jail so he could gain access to discovery, Terri never seemed concerned for Kyron, often smiled when his name was mentioned, she felt he was watching TV somewhere eating chicken nuggets... all words from Cindy. Cindy mentioned a couple times she got a "bad feeling" or "chills" while sitting there and she just didn't know what to think anymore.
Now, I'm a thinker.. and I had a lot to digest from these visits.
The attorney statement was what started it for me.. What her attorney wanted in order to gain access to discovery doesn't sound like he's preparing a defense for an innocent person. Pushing off the divorce hearings as to not self incriminate, the nonchalant smiles when Kyron's name was mentioned, not fighting for her baby.. None of it made sense to me and I could not continue to publicly speak for someone who's innocence I was beginning to question myself. I needed to separate myself from it... so I did. Or, I tried...

After being away for a couple months I pop into THSP one day to catch up with the news... and I saw what a pissing match it had become.. Sally Salamander was coming in as I was going out... so I totally missed that train wreck.. But once I saw THSP engaged in their game play battle.. I wanted to pull the plug on it. You don't truly understand the seriousness of something until you've been able to step away and clear your head. I was able to see that this is a game to these people. They have no desire to find Kyron or even to help Terri. Their main goal is to log in every single day and see who they can piss off and try to claim a "victory"
This is their entertainment. Cindy got the thrill of playing both sides... She often inserts herself into these cases for entertainment value and has even tied herself to Michelle Bart so she can get up close and personal... Michelle once told me, during a phone chat before a radio show that Cindy shares her views on Casey Anthony's innocence... That was probably the first red flag.. the rest came later, like I just explained.
No, Chana doesn't have the wrong Cindy.. This is in fact Cindy Christianson/Butcher/Traynor/Smalley and about 10 more. I've spent many nights on the phone with her, until she had to hurry up and get off the phone so her husband wouldn't hear her talking about another case.. I've mailed things to her address, seen pics of her house and windows, where imaginary police were looking thru with binoculars.
Nothing said here about her is a lie.. Nothing has been botched. If there's one thing I've learned about Cindy, it'st hat she will not take responsibility for saying or doing anything. When this whole thing started with Chana wanting to out her because she had gotten a hold of messages of Cindy's, Cindy claimed that someone from the private THSP group was leaking info, which was a lie because the private group didn't contain any info.. it was just fot chatter we wanted to keep off the main page. She also claimed (and there's a screen shot of that somewhere too) that her drunk niece or step daughter or whomever and her daughter broke into her house while she was on vacation and got the info.. she also claims that a "secret agent" (no, I'm not making this up!) hacked her email account, where she had "private info" stored (who stored facebook and other messages in their email???) and forwarded it to a "secret agent" email address.
Did it ever occur to her that she blabbed everything about her visits to anyone who would listen! Her own daughter was furious because during the birth of her grandchild, all she could talk about in the labor room was Terri Horman this and Terri Horman that..
CINDY is responsible for her own demise... and the words shown here were typed directly by her, words spoken from her lips. You seriously can't make this stuff up.

I've offered to allow anyone to log in to my Facebook to see for themselves because the TRUTH needs to come out. How can you have someone as you "Family Grief Counselor" or even involved with NWCAT if they are harboring secrets of the accused and lying to cover things up?
THSP followers are equally guilty.. They are stuffing the facts and lying to themselves just to stay in this pissing match because it's "fun" to them. Just look at who is there.. They are used to being abused and love negative attention so this is a riot for them. Anyone with any decency left that group long ago... and I can guarantee that there are maybe 3-4 people with 30 different accounts to make them look like they have a group.

And because I'm asked this on a daily basis.. I'll answer here for you all to see.
What do I think of Terri Horman now? Cindy's visits opened up a lot... and allowed me to have quite a few doubts. I don't know how people can just stuff that and ignore it like it never happened, this is an 8 year old boy for gods sakes.. I'm waiting to see what else MCSO has before I make a judgement. But I can tell you that it's not looking good.. and perhaps if I wasn't too caught up "in the game" I would have seen this long ago when all the red flags were popping up everwhere. I will be extremely upset if she ends up being guilty.. Surprised? Not really.

I'm editing to add to this.. This was wrote in a huff so it only contains a fraction (yes, there's more) of what I've encountered.
I saw this posted on Facebook by someone and it explains Cindy to a T. This is the kid of person we're dealing with here.

Speckled Pup
This person, in addition to a purposeful interjection into missing child cases - and befriending suspects *for attention* - consistently, throughout their correspondences with multiple people complains of vague illnesses, pains, aches - seemingly for sympathy sake - also didn't that same person claim to be terminally ill in one correspondence to TJ... "but don't tell anyone". You can clearly see, throughout the posts how that person falls back on their feigned illnesses, trying to gan sympathy any time they find they are in a tough situation.

"Factitious disorders are conditions in which a person acts as if he or she has an illness by deliberately producing, feigning, or exaggerating symptoms...to gain any variety of benefits including attention, nurturance, sympathy, and leniency that are unobtainable any other way...A person who has exhibited factitious disorder for mental illness often does develop a mental illness soon afterward"
citation - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factitious_disorder

And let's make one thing perfectly clear.. I'm not trying to save my own rear. Any information I have or had was second hand info provided by Cindy... She's trying to deflect that and make it sound like I spilled the beans to save myself. Save myself from what exactly? I couldn't give 2 craps about anyone on the internet has to say to be perfectly honest.
I spilled the beans to stop her evil game, which is entertaining herself at the expense of a missing child.


  1. Good to hear your story MB. I don't know if you even remember me, but I really have respect for you for posting this.

  2. Thank you MB and Chana for this blog and all you are doing to help Kyron and let the TRUTH be known.

  3. MB, bravo my dear bravo!!!! thank you for telling the truth. thank you for seeing us for who we are and what we are really here for. thank you for caring for Kyron, he deserves it and way more. thank you for being an honest, forthright person. my God smile upon you today and forever. JUSTICE FOR KYRON HORMAN AND HIS FAMILY!!!

  4. Thank you MB. Justice for Kyron Horman!!!

  5. Thank you so very much for putting yourself out there with the truth. Justice for Kyron!

  6. MB, I want to laud you for your courage in this. Justice for Kyron!!!
